Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Selber makes some interesting points about how constructivism basically comprises of common sense concepts. He writes, "In oversimplified terms, constructivism is a philosophy of learning based on the premise that learning is an active process in which students construct new knowledge based upon their current/previous knowledge" (76). The importance of building more information on top of already useful information should be more heavily emphasized in education. There are moments from Kindergarten through college that a teacher will tell their students to completely forget everything they have learned about a given topic and listen to only what they have to say about it. I strongly believe that this creates a set back to the advancement of the student. How can we build up knowledge if the student has been continuously told to forget everything they have learned and start to adapt a new way of thinking? This actually sets back the advancement of future learning for everyone on the planet. When we are forced to continuously forget what we have learned in the past how will we remember anything?

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