Thursday, January 14, 2010

Students Vs. Teachers

Does the realization that students are writers actually aid a teacher? Would it be ok with most teachers to see their students more literate in technology than they are? These questions can be difficult to answer if a teacher doesn't have an open mind to the possibilities of learning their students can obtain.
How can we deal with a student who is more technologically knowledgeable and still impart the wisdom within us?
I definitely agree that if students are exposed to more information, that their teachers simultaneously will gain authority on the subject and understanding as well. I think that embracing knowledge, whether you are a teacher or a student, will have a positive outcome despite who is more experienced with something. If a teacher discourages their student because they are more technologically advanced than they are, I believe that there will be many problems because the teacher is in fact hindering the learning process of both themselves and their students.
Authority and dominance in a classroom are created by the position of the teacher. When a student excels it is important to celebrate it and not assume a jealous position because it actually will undermine the teacher’s character and authority.
Students do have a sense of purpose of creating, molding, forming, and manipulating something that is their own. When a teacher embraces the fact that the student is able to do this without their assistance we are shown a glimpse into the mind and ability of a student. Hindering a student’s learning process in any way will have negative impacts.
As a teacher it is our job to inspire, push, pull, and create meaning in our students and their work. When we encourage the idea of becoming more advanced than we are, the student will take it as a creative challenge to excel and become something that they hoped to be, yet weren’t able to become without us.

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